By Michelle Avola-Brown, Executive Director
The heat didn’t creep up on us in the transition from spring to summer this year. The sauna switched to maximum heat, and never looked back! At this point in the summer, I’m definitely over it. Newer year-round residents and even those who’ve been sweating through the summers for decades need to be cautious with the heat.
It may seem impossible not to sweat in Florida, but when you become overheated past a certain point, that is exactly what happens. Perspiring is our body’s mechanism to keep us cool. When your body is exposed to heat for an extended time, it loses the ability to sweat. If you are unable to sweat, it can get dangerous quickly. Kids have a lower sweating capacity compared to adults. Because they sweat less overall, their bodies do not dissipate heat as efficiently as adults. Kids running around outside playing may not realize how hot they are. Adults need to keep a careful eye that children don’t get overheated.
Heatstroke is the next stage when your body cannot regulate its temperature. This inability can be fatal, especially if you ignore early warning signs. Heat exhaustion manifests as dizziness, nausea, vomiting, fatigue, heavy sweating, and headache. The warning signs of heatstroke, which can make you unconscious, are muscle cramping, most commonly in the arms, legs, and stomach, fast heartbeat, vomiting, flushed skin, headache, crying with no tears, and mental confusion. Sometimes, symptoms don’t occur for several hours after returning to air conditioning and hydrating.
Various factors can increase your risk: age, chronic illness, some medications, and being overweight, among others. Young children and older people cannot regulate their body temperature as effectively as healthy younger adults. Chronic illnesses, including hypertension, diabetes, and multiple sclerosis, also increase a person’s vulnerability to heatstroke. Medications like beta-blockers, those used to treat allergies and seizures, stimulants like Adderall and Ritalin, and even caffeine and alcohol can exacerbate the effects of heat. Having a BMI (Body Mass Index – a person’s weight in kilograms divided by the square of their height in meters) over 25 can also increase complications from high temps.
Many may be used to Florida’s heat and humidity. However, August and September bring the season’s highest temperatures and sauna-like conditions. Even the most seasoned and savvy of us must take precautions.
It’s important to limit our time outside between 11 a.m. and 4 p.m. and avoid direct sun as much as possible. Vigorous activities like running, biking, rollerblading, pickleball or other sports, yard work, carrying heavy loads, and other similar chores are best done before 10 a.m. or after 6 p.m.
To reduce your risk, hydrate, hydrate, hydrate, and not only during the activity. Drink extra fluids the day before planned exertion in the heat. Water is good, but alternating a low-sugar electrolyte drink like Pedialyte, G2, or Powerade Zero has the added benefits of providing sodium, potassium, phosphate, calcium, and magnesium. Cooling towels draped across the back of your neck and peppermint oil across your forehead, the back of your neck, and wrists also help cool you down. Covering up with loose-fitting, light-colored clothing and a vented hat is also essential. Jumping in a pool or splashing at the beach are great ways to cool off, too!
With kids returning to school soon, be sure they have a refillable water bottle for their ride or walk home. If they participate in outdoor after-school activities, extra hydration, a cooling towel, and a personal fan would help. Talk with coaches and supervisors about allowing extra breaks and having cooling tubs on hand, especially if they use heavy pads or equipment.
We can make the most of these “dog days” of summer and safely enjoy our hot, sunny paradise, but we must pay attention to our bodies. Stay well – and cool!
For more information about Naples Pathways and their keystone projects, the Paradise Coast Trail and Hands-Free Florida, please visit our new website at