Safety Tips for Children and Families 

Safety Tips for Children and Families 

As seen in Neapolitan Family magazine Naples is celebrated for its pristine beaches and abundance of outdoor activities, but it falls short when protecting cyclists and pedestrians. The streets have become perilous for children and families who walk, bike, and run....
Be Visible While Riding Your Bicycle or Walking

Be Visible While Riding Your Bicycle or Walking

By Michelle Avola-Brown, Executive Director, Naples Pathways Coalition With school out and schedules not quite so hectic as it is during season, a lot of children and adults are out walking, biking, and running during the summer. Being visible is vital to avoiding...
What’s The Deal with All These E-Bikes?

What’s The Deal with All These E-Bikes?

By Michelle Avola-Brown, Executive Director, Naples Pathways Coalition There is a lot of discussion about electric bikes, where they should be allowed, and much confusion regarding the different types of electric devices people are riding. As the executive director of...