Turning tragedy into action

Turning tragedy into action

I was heartbroken when I received a call last year from one of supporters, Mary Campeau, who shared that her husband Ron, an avid cyclist, was killed by a distracted driver in Naples. She and Ron spent season in Naples for years. They shared a love of travel, hiking...
Falling Back Again…

Falling Back Again…

As the leaves begin to turn and the air cools – well, in other parts of the country at least, millions of us must set our clocks back an hour as Daylight Saving Time (DST) ends. This transition can have significant effects on our daily lives, and it sparks a lively...
The “Dog Days” of Summer

The “Dog Days” of Summer

By Michelle Avola-Brown, Executive Director The heat didn’t creep up on us in the transition from spring to summer this year. The sauna switched to maximum heat, and never looked back! At this point in the summer, I’m definitely over it. Newer year-round...