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Helpful Links

Click here for the north segment of the Naples map with insets of Everglades City, Immokalee and Marco Island
Click here for the south segment of the Naples map

Printed maps are available at Naples bike shops, many City and County offices and parks, the Chamber of Commerce, and several other locations. If you can’t find one, please email [email protected] to have a map mailed to you.

Florida Laws

Florida Bicycle and Pedestrian Traffic Laws

For Bicyclists: Click here
For Pedestrians: Click here

The most recent Florida Statutes and Laws concerning bicycle and pedestrian safety.

Local and State Planning

City of Naples Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan Update

In 2007, the Streets & Stormwater Department began implementation of the City of Naples Pedestrian and Bicycle Master Plan. This 2013 document gives the latest updates to the plan with a focus on safety, connectivity, mobility, and recreation.

Collier County Comprehensive Pathways

This plan shows the bicycle and pedestrian needs within the Collier Metropolitan Planning Area.

Florida Greenbook

The Manual of Uniform Minimum Standards for design, construction, and maintenance for streets and highways.

FDOT Complete Streets Policy

Complete Streets is a context based design system that take all users of into consideration and designs roadways and throughways accordingly.

FDOT Complete Streets Implementation

Documentation of how FDOT is changing the way streets are designed in Florida.

FDOT Bicycle and Pedestrian Facilities

Links to resources for bicyclists and pedestrians

Nationwide Planning

Smart Growth America

Improving lives by improving communities – Smart growth is a way to build cities, towns, and neighborhoods that are economically prosperous, socially equitable, and environmentally sustainable

Smart Cities Council

Where digital technology and intelligent design are being harnessed to create smart, sustainable cities with high-quality living and high-quality jobs.

U.S. Department of Transportation – Bicycles and Pedestrians

Read more about the U.S. Department of Transportation’s Bicycle and Pedestrian programs, covering topics like road safety assessments, national transportation enhancements, safe routes to school, and recreational trail projects.

Federal High Administration’s Context Sensitive Solutions Plan

The Federal Highway Administration’s equivalent of Complete Streets planning.

Bike/Pedestrian Safety Resources

Alert Today/Alive Tomorrow

Florida’s Pedestrian and Bicycle Focused Initiative, an FDOT sponsored campaign, is a reminder for all roadway users to pay attention and follow the rules of the road.

Collier County Sheriff’s Office Bicycle Safety Program

In Florida bicycles are defined by law as vehicles. This site provide a synopsis of Florida laws and safety tips in both English and Spanish.

Biking and Hiking Trails